This document assumes some basic familiarity with Unix, Git and Composer. Triton has a number of system requirements. Please make sure your server meets them.
Server requirements¶
- Nginx or Apache web server
- PHP >=5.6.4
- PHP extensions: OpenSSL, PDO, Mbstring, Tokenizer, XML, bcmath
- Composer
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
For example, installing the following packages will provide fully compatible environment on Ubuntu 16.04:
apache2 php libapache2-mod-php composer git php-bcmath php-mysql php-mbstring php-xml mysql-server rabbitmq-server redis-server php-redis
The product has been tested on several modern Linux distributions. It should work on Windows but has not been fully tested there. RabbitMQ and Redis services may run on a separate server and can be accessed remotely via host/port.
Installation steps¶
- Extract Triton files from archive and move them to your web server document root
Triton uses special protocol for transporting events from your application to queue. It is called Data Contract and consists of base event class and some utility classes. Within Triton SDK, you will be able to add your custom event classes into it.
Triton and your main application will use same version of SDK via composer. The idea is to keep both systems in sync, allowing them to interact using same data contract repository.
SDK repository may be located at any place accessible from both main application and Triton servers. The recommended approach assumes using private github or bitbucket repo.
Say your SDK copy is located at You should add a “repository” section to both Triton’s and main app’s composer.json files:
"repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ]
After that you can add a dependency as usual:
"triton/triton-sdk-php": "dev-master",
As you see we have version “dev-master” here, it is helpful during development. Subsequently, you can supply specific versions. It is very important to keep it in sync on both (Triton and main app) systems. Learn more about contracts development.
In the simplest case, whem Triton and your main app run on the same server, you can simply place Triton SDK into a directory and inform Composer where to look for it. For example:
"repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "./triton-sdk-php" } ]
The above notation means Triton SDK is unpacked into a direct subdirectory of Triton installation.
Install dependencies
Run composer install at Triton root directory.
Web server
For the product to work correctly, you need to enable URL rewriting (in case of Apache webserver, make sure mod_rewrite module is enabled.)
Since Triton is a Laravel application, you can refer to Laravel docs for details on configuring web server.
Directories within the
and thebootstrap/cache
directories must be writable by your web serverEnvironment
Rename .env.example file to .env and set appropriate values for each parameter.
Run php artisan key:generate to set new app key, which will be used to encrypt user passwords.
Create new MySQL database if you do not have existing one.
Your web host URL.
- DB, RABBITMQ and REDIS sections
Set parameters as per your server.
- MAIL section
Used to describe your default email transport
Additional transports may be added at config/mail.php
Migrations and seeds
In here, migration means setting up a database and filling it with initial structure and data.
Run php artisan migrate to create a database schema.
Run php artisan db:seed to fill db with roles,permissions and initial user account. By default it will create an admin account with username “admin@<your app url domain>” and password “admin”. After seeding you will be able to log in into the system and create new accounts.
Change default password to secure one.
You only need to add the following Cron entry to your server. Learn more
* * * * * php /path-to-triton/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Running queue workers
php artisan queue:listen --queue=production_stats php artisan queue:listen --queue=production_events_failed php artisan queue:listen --queue=production_transactional #This queue name must be also used by your main app php artisan queue:listen --queue=production_campaigns php artisan queue:listen --queue=production_triton #This queue name is configured in your .env file
You may want to use a process monitor such as Supervisor to ensure that the queue worker does not stop running.