
Trigger is the main building block of your transactional ecosystem. It is an event handler. Each trigger can handle single type of event (data contract). When Triton pops an event from queue it looks to it name and tries to find appropriate trigger. If trigger is found and it is active it is getting pulled and the letter flies away. Trigger may send only one email per event.

Let’s look over trigger’s nutshell:

  • Event
    Which event aka data contract will a given trigger handle.
  • Template
    The template that will be used for email.
  • Email transport
    Which transport should be used for given campaign.
  • Subject
    Triton supports three ways of generating email subject:
    • static (default)
      Triton will use same subject-template for all recipients.
    • sequental
      Triton will determine which subject was used for given recipient last time and use next one (round-robin distribution). Useful to avoid email chaining by subject (Hello Gmail :)).
    • random
      Triton will use random subject for each recipient.


All types of subjects still are Blade templates, therefore you can use any valid blade or php code within a subject.

  • Description

    Just optional field for easy management.

  • Custom Headers

    This section allows you to add custom HTTP-headers. May be useful for tuning your emails (e.g. List-Unsubscribe).

  • Custom variables

    The section allows you to add own variables into template rendering context (Learn more). For example you may want to add a variable called utm_common with value like “utm_campaign=camp55&utm_source=email&utm_medium=newsletter”. Then you are able to use that variable right in template.

    For example:

    <a href=""{{ $utm_common }}>Click me ASAP</a>

    In this example we can add some common params to our links. Further, if we consider to change the value of $utm_common we will be able to modify it from single place.

    You can use this tool on your own case, just find some repeatable data and use it as variable.

  • Tracking category

    Specifies the category that will capture sendings and openings.

  • Group

    Allows to group things together for easy searching. Learn more about grouping.